About Us

  • Home Wiz

    Built on Experience,
    Focused on You.

    Home Wiz is a specialized division of BKA Facilities Management, a trusted name in Dubai for over two decades. We bring BKA's legacy of excellence in property maintenance to a new level, focusing on exceptional cleaning and maintenance services for homes and businesses.

    We understand the changing needs of today's world, and Home Wiz is dedicated to redefining cleaning experiences with innovative solutions.


Home Wiz

Where quality meets care, and
innovation ensures comfort.

In the bustling life of the UAE, finding time for thorough cleaning can be a challenge. That's where we step to fill the gap.

We see ourselves not merely as a service provider but as your dedicated partner in crafting and maintaining a pristine, healthy environment for your family.

Our range of services, from eco-friendly cleaning to expert pest control and proficient handyman repairs, are designed with your unique needs and busy lifestyle in mind.

With Home Wiz, you are choosing a team committed to transforming your living space into a haven of cleanliness and tranquility, all while adhering to the highest standards of sustainability and safety.

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Our Values


Our values at Home Wiz are the foundation of everything we do, guiding our approach to delivering reliable, high-quality services.



We strive for excellence in every task, ensuring our services exceed expectations.



Trust and transparency guide our interactions with clients and partners.

Our Values


We embrace innovation, continually seeking to improve and adapt our services.



We are committed to environmentally friendly practices, protecting the well-being of our communities.



We value our team and clients, fostering a culture of respect and collaboration.