Specialized Cleaning Services

  • Specialized Cleaning Services

    Our Specialized Cleaning service tackles every nook and cranny, leaving your home sparkling from floor to ceiling. Perfect for seasonal refreshes, prepping for special occasions, or move in/out situations, this thorough clean ensures a cleaner environment for all.

Easy To Use

Ideal for seasonal refreshes, preparing for special events, or simply reclaiming your space from deep-seated dirt, this comprehensive cleaning tackles every nook and cranny. Our meticulous approach ensures a sparkling clean environment from ceilings to floors.

We use eco-friendly products and advanced cleaning techniques for a healthy clean you can trust. The result? A healthier, more inviting home environment that promotes well-being for everyone.



Choose from our user-friendly booking app, give us a call, or reach out via email or message through our social media channels.

Our Pricing: Title

Our Pricing for Deep Cleaning

Explore our detailed pricing below:

By Apartment

By Apartment Pricing

Whether you reside in a snug studio or a spacious 3-bedroom apartment, we have the perfect cleaning package for you.

Check-out our tailored apartment cleaning solutions, designed with your comfort and needs in mind.

By Apartment: Table
Studio 350 AED
1 BR 550 AED
2 BR 750 AED
3 BR 1000 AED

* Rates are exclusive of VAT

By Villa


For those living in the serene expanse of a villa, from cozy 2-bedroom homes to expansive 5-bedroom estates, we offer customized cleaning packages tailored just for you.

Here’s our detailed pricing to meet your specific needs and ensure your home remains pristine.

By Villa: Table
Studio 1200 AED
1 BR 1400 AED
2 BR 1800 AED
3 BR 2100 AED

* Rates are exclusive of VAT


Note: Any extra hours shall be charged at our Standard hourly rate.This may be subject to availability.

What can be included?

what can be included?

  • Dry Dusting of Ceiling, Walls, Furniture, Cabinets, Shelves, Corners and Fixtures.

  • Wet Wiping of Windows, Doors, Electrical Fittings, Cabinet/Shelf Exteriors/Photo Frames, Countertops, Chimney exterior and filter, Exhaust, Window Sill, Glass Partitions, Mirrors, Grills

  • Dry Vacuuming of Sofas and Carpets

  • Stain Removal on Tiles, Stoves, Slabs, Sinks, Fixtures, Basin, Water Closet and Exhaust.

  • Floor Deep Cleaning including grouts and corners using machines.

how does it work?

how does it work?

You book a regular cleaning via our booking App.

You get an email to confirm your booking request.

Your new cleaner starts on your preferred start date, so you can get your time back.


Enhancing Your Home Wiz Service Experience

Ensure Access: Confirm that our team can access your apartment or villa smoothly. Secure any necessary permits for entry before our arrival.

Clearing Clutter: To facilitate a comprehensive clean, please remove personal items from cabinets, cupboards, and surfaces, ensuring every area is accessible for cleaning.

Designating an Area for Equipment: Provide a designated space for our professionals to organize their cleaning materials and equipment efficiently.
Utilities Access: It's crucial for our team to have access to water and electricity to perform our cleaning tasks effectively.

Property Tour: A walkthrough of your property upon our first visit allows us to note areas requiring specific attention, ensuring a cleaning service that matches your expectations.

Trash Disposal Location: Informing our team of the garbage chute or trash bin location helps maintain an effective cleaning flow and efficient waste management.
Protecting Your Valuables: We recommend securing any valuables or delicate items in a safe location before our team's arrival to prevent any possible accidents and ensure the safety of your possessions during the cleaning process.
Your Insights Matter: Whether during the service or immediately after completion, we highly value your feedback. Your comments and reactions help us tailor our approach to better suit your preferences and ensure your utmost satisfaction with our cleaning.
Please feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions with our team members directly or through our customer service channels.
Planning Ahead: To maintain the pristine condition of your space, consider scheduling your next service before our team departs. This proactive approach ensures you continue to enjoy a clean, healthy environment without the hassle of last-minute bookings. Our team can assist in setting up a cleaning schedule that best fits your lifestyle and needs, providing peace of mind and continuity in our service excellence.