Handyman Services

  • Handyman Services

    Beyond cleanliness, the functionality of your space is key to comfortable living. Our Handyman Services cover electrical, plumbing, carpentry, and more. With reliable experts and upfront pricing, we tackle repairs and installations with precision, ensuring your home and office not only look good but work perfectly too.

Easy To Use

Home Wiz is your one-stop shop for reliable handyman services across the UAE. Our skilled technicians are experts in tackling a wide range of repairs, from leaky faucets and faulty electricals to wobbly furniture and blind assembly.

We prioritize quality, using top-notch materials to ensure long-lasting repairs that keep your home functioning smoothly. Free up your time and avoid DIY disasters, let Home Wiz take care of those nagging to-do lists so you can relax and enjoy your home.



Choose from our user-friendly booking app, give us a call, or reach out via email or message through our social media channels.



Apartment: Table
Electrician 99 AED
Plumber 99 AED
Handyman 99 AED
A/C Technician 99 AED

* Rates are exclusive of VAT



Spares Parts and Materials can be provided by the Client.
Alternatively, Our Team can arrange for them. A quote shall be provided for approval upon which we shall procure the required Spare parts or materials.

What can be included?

what can be included?

  • Inspection, Diagnosis and Labor Charges.

  • Minor Consumables

  • Safety checks and final testing

  • Tools and Equipment

  • Basic Installations

how does it work?

how does it work?


Schedule your handyman service quickly and conveniently using our booking app or direct phone contact.


Ensure the workspace is clear and accessible to allow our handyman to start work immediately upon arrival.


Our skilled handyman will efficiently carry out repairs or installations, delivering professional and lasting results.


Enhancing Your Home Wiz Service Experience

Ensure Access: Confirm that our team can access your apartment or villa smoothly. Secure any necessary permits for entry before our arrival.

Clear the Area: Remove any personal items or obstacles from the areas where work will be performed. This allows our handyman to work efficiently and safely.

List Specific Tasks: If you have particular tasks in mind, list them out so our handyman can prepare the necessary tools and parts in advance.
Utilities Access: Ensure our team has access to water and electricity if needed for the task. These resources are essential for tasks that involve any form of power tools or water usage.

Property Tour: A brief tour of the property during our first visit helps us identify potential challenges and plan the workflow efficiently.

Communicate Your Expectations: Let us know your expectations and any specific requirements you have. This helps us tailor our services to better suit your needs and ensure your satisfaction.
Protect Your Valuables: Secure any valuables or delicate items in the work area before our arrival. This precaution helps prevent any accidents and ensures the safety of your belongings.

Designate a Workspace: Providing a specific area for our professionals to organize their tools and equipment can greatly enhance the speed and efficiency of the service.
Your Insights Matter: Whether during the service or immediately after completion, we highly value your feedback. Your comments and reactions help us tailor our approach to better suit your preferences and ensure your utmost satisfaction with our service. Please feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions with our team members directly or through our customer service channels.
Handyman Concerns

Ready to schedule your service?


Discover our affordable, expert handyman services tailored just for you.